Get The Gig, Keep The Gig
Get Better Gigs, & Avoid Pitfalls On The Way There!
Learn What To Do -
And More Importantly, What NOT To Do -
From The Pros Who Are Where You Want To Be!
Do you feel stuck in the same gigs?
Do you want to play on hit records?
Are you trying to play music full time?
Do you wonder how to get on major tours?
Are you questioning what you're doing wrong?
This book can help! With 15 Ways
You Can Get Better Gigs!
Rockstar Adjacent, by Damon Grant is a book that features interviews with industry leading experts such as: Ari Herstand, Stefon Harris, Paulo Stagnaro, Thom Hannum, Marc Quiñones, Chrissi Poland, Raynor Carroll, Bob Reynolds, Nate Morton, Shawn Pelton, Neal Daniels, J.J. Johnson, Joel Rosenblatt, Melody Giron, Bryan Carter, Artie Smith, Kris Pooley, Rickey Minor, Michael Moritz, Brian Kilgore, Mike Dawson, Justin Goldner, Cheryl B. Engelhardt, Meg Zervoulis, Ryan Vaughn, Mel Brown, and many many More!
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Stop waiting for the phone to ring, and take decisive steps to level up your career with better gigs!
Note: The cover art displayed is subject to change prior to publication. Final artwork will be confirmed closer to the release date.